14 Mar, 2 May, 4 July, 5 Sept, 7 Nov

Click on 2024 Programme 


Thursday 5 September at 7pm

Lecture one  

HIV Infection 

To be presented by 

Rod Ellis Pegler

Lecture two 

You Can’t be What You Can’t See: A history of General Practice and Medical Education 

To be presented by 

Brian  McAvoy

Cick on  2024 Programme for abstracts & biographic details 
(Special Interest TBC )  



Congratulations to John Collins awarded Member of New Zealand Order of Merit (MNZM). Many will know that John is the immediate past president of AMHS and a long time member of the Society 


An important update from President Neil Anderson 

Click on heading 


See Archives / for slides. (All photos JM) 
See 2024 Programme for abstracts and biographies 



Meeting 4 July 2024
From top left: Neil Anderson with presenters - Ngaire Kerse, Ted Richards, Megan McPherson, Karan Govindpani, Jessica Parr 


Meeting 2 May 2024 
John Collins; Neil Anderson with Ben Kingsbury; Neil Anderson with Tim Cundy  



Meeting 14 March 2024  
From left: Poul Nielsen, Neil Anderson with Felicity Goodyear-Smith, Cris Print   



To see other
 recent publications click on link above 


Frontline Surgeon: New Zealand Medical Pioneer Douglas Jolly .

Mark Derby 

2024 (July)  Massey University Press

Jock Caughey: Physician and Humanitarian 

Neil Anderson

2023 Mary Egan Publishing

2023 Book Bryder 1.png

The Best Country to GIve Birth? 

Midwifery, Homebirth and the Politics of Maternity in Aotearoa New Zealand, 1970–2022.

Linda Bryder

  2023 Auckland University Press
Click on respective book titles for details



Thanks to all presenters who contributed to a lively and successful 2023 Lecture Series. We especially thank those who contibuted to our Special Interest Talks. 


President's Report

AGM Minutes 

Selected Archives (from 2021) 

Click on respective headings for details 
Final meeting November 2023 (Photos JM) 
Left: Cardiac pacing, William Bowman & Jerusalem: Ross Blair
Centre: The Founders' Lecture- Sir William Liley: Peter Stone
Right: Special Interest Talk- stories of heart valves: Alan Kerr  



Meeting 7 September 2023 (All photos JM)
Left: David Black with Neil Anderson. Right George Foote
                    Centre: Some of the 76 people in the audience 


 Special interest talk: Thomas Moore Philson  (presented by Iain Wakefield) 
Below: Asst. Surgeon Thomas Philson's trunk, 58th Rutlandshire Regiment.  (EMDL Collection)  

 Assistant Surgeon Philson, 58th Regiment



2022  Danielle van Dalen

2023 Nadija Palinich 

  Click on Archives to read essays /see names of previous prize winners 


"Medical Memorabilia-an intriguing library & museum" 

 The EMDL collections
An intereview with Neil Anderson. Click on: 
 Ingenio Spring 2021 Alumni
Scroll down to p.32 
(Courtesy University of Auckland)


Join our mailing list to hear about meetings   

Email your contact details to: AMHS Secretary  

Student presenter Megan Kuan- History of the Anti- Vaccine Movement (July 2023) IMG_3954.jpeg

July 2023 Student presentations. (Photos JM) 
Megan Kuan - History of the Anti- Vaccine Movement,
Claudia Hall - A History of Lobotomy  


 Meetings are free but we depend on donations  to support the Society. Click on donations to see how to donate. Online donations preferred. Thanks to those who continue to donate online or via a koha at meetings.  


A new Health Museum for Aotearoa New Zealand entirely in a digital space

See  Our Health Journeys


2022 Visitors from Auckland Museum viewing some of the books in EMDL collection with Victoria Bell, EMDL librarian (centre) (Photo JM)  


New Zealand WW1 Medical Practitioners 

Collaborating with the Auckland War Memorial Museum Online Cenotaph team, Dr Pat Clarkson has compiled a record of more than  500 New Zealand doctors who served in WW1. 

 NZ Doctors WW1 or Auckland Museum
Click on heading above, then search icon (screen top right)
enter NZ Doctors WW1
New Zealand WW1 Nurses 

Auckland Hospital nurse Charlotte (Lottie) Le Gallais was one 10 nurses selected  to serve on the first voyage of the New Zealand hospital ship Maheno in July 1915. Five hundred and fifty New Zealand registered nurses served overseas with the New Zealand Army Nursing Service (NZANS).  

Click on  Auckland Museum link, then on "Search"  (top right screen) - enter "NZ Nurses WW1" 
(Lottie Le Gallais - photo Auckland Museum Online Cenotaph) 
Charlotte Le Gallias (source Auckland Museum Online Cenotaph)
WW1 New Zealand Medical Services (Photo National Library of NZ).
 Below: Hospital ship Maheno with signatures of the New Zealand  Medical Corps (NZMC)  and nurses (NZANS) on board. (Photo EMDL collection) 
Hospital ship Maheno
WW1  Operating theatre No 1 NZ General Hospital, Brockenhurst. (Photo Auckland Museum file)  
Above: WW1 NZ Dental Corp (Photo Auckland Museum file)
Below: Coats of Arms of universities and medical colleges. (EMDL collection. Photo JM)  


80th Anniversary of Cornwall Hospital

IMG_5064.jpeg  IMG_5065.jpegIMG_5063.jpeg IMG_5073.jpegIMG_5075.jpeg

(Photos  JM): Heritage Day 24 February 2024 Commemorating Cornwall Hospital. Peter Stone & Judy Murphy. Below: a small group who were born at Cornwall Hospital) 

The  39th General Hospital was built by Fletcher Construction for the US Army in Cornwall Park in 1943. In 1945 the 1000 bed/ 48 ward  hospital was vacated by the Americans. The 123 pre-fabricated buildings were then taken over by the Auckland Hospital Board to establish Cornwall Hospital, the Obstetric & Gynaecological Unit (renamed National Women's Hospital in 1955) and the Cornwall Park Geriatric Hospital.  Click on links to: 

                      (Isabella Wensley, Auckland History Initiative.)

39th General Hospital

 Cornwall Park c. 1943 (File photo)
Below: July 2023 James Newman Lecture. Bring Back the Cane presented by John Cullen. Photo with AMHS president Neil Anderson. (Photos JM) 
Special Interest talk- with curator Juliet Hawkins, veiwing the contents of the c.1880 Homeopathic Medicine Chest  (Photo JM)