For archives pre 2021, please enquire via: 


NZ Doctors WW1

University of Auckland Ingenio 2021  (Click on PDF, scroll down to p32)

History of Cornwall Park Hospital - James Newman

History of Green Lane Hospital - Basil Hutchinson 


2018 RNZ Dr Douglas Jolly - interview with author Mark Derby

2019 RNZ Interview with Dame Margaret Sparrow

1996 RNZ Interview with Sir Brian Barratt-Boyes. Brian Edwards 

2020 RNZ Interview with Dr Alan Kerr. (Re-played September 2022 commemorating 62 years since first New Zealand open heart operation at Green Lane Hospital)

2023 RNZ Interview with Joan Skinner -Midwifery in New Zealand  

2023 RNZ Cotter Medical Museum - Interview with Paddy Cotter 

2023 RNZ Interview with Professor Linda  Bryder The Best Country to Give Birth. * For more interviews &  NZ Doctor review click on title link

2024  RNZ Interview with Sir Collin Tukuitonga 

2024 RNZ Interview with Mark Derby  - Frontline Surgeon: New Zealand Medical Pioneer Dr Jolly 

Click on title of lecture to see slides.   For abstracts and biographies see PROGRAME section

2023 March - Victor Horsley (David Abernethy)

2023 May - Selected issues in the Last 100 years of Psychiatry (Graham Mellsop) 

2023 May -The King's Pneumonectomy (Tony Mark)

2023 July - Bring Back the Cane  (John Cullen) slides awaited.

2023 July - The History of the Anti-Vaccine Movement  (Megan Kuan)

2023 July - The History of Lobotomy (Claudia Hall) 

2023 September The Medical History of Mobile TelephonySlides (David Black) 

2023 September- Advances radiology over 50 years. The impact on Diagnostic Pathways.  (George Foote) - no slides used 

2023  November -Cardiac  Pacing, Sir William Bowman (1816-1892), and Jerusalem  (Ross Blair)  

2023  November - Sir William Liley  (Peter Stone)

2024  March - From Crime to Care (Felicity Goodyear-Smith)  

2024  March- At Breakneck Speed: the Remarkable History of Genomic Medicine Over the Last 30 Years (Cris Print) 

2024 May - From Quail Island to Makogai: Leprosy sufferers and their treatment in New Zealand and the Pacific 1906-1940  (Ben Kingsbury)  Transcript of talk 

2024 May - The Story of Insulin (Tim Cundy

2024 July  Ageing Well in New Zealand: Highlights from Past, Present and Future Research  (Ngaire Kerse) 

2024 July    Te Aka Whai Ora – historical perspective  (Ted Richards)

2024 July  How a parasite shaped human history (Megan McPherson) 

2024 July  America’s opioid crisis   (Karan Govindpani) 



Click on essay title to read, see also link to  List of Prize Winners 

2022  Danielle van Dalen  Smallpoin 19th century New Zealand 

2023  Nadija Palinich  How and why did women’s experience of childbirth change in the course of the twentieth century? Do you think it   was a positive or a negative change? * This was one of the essays for which Nadija won the prize. Nadija did another as well and achieved the top grade for the class overall.


2023 March 

2023 May 

2023 July 

2023 September 

2023 November

2024 March

2024 May

2024 July   

 Bio graphical details and abstracts can be found in PROGRAMMES. (Many lectures were cancelled 2021-2022 due to Covid 19) 



Click on date to read names of presenters